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  • 50scenes - 21.Child - Shifting Reality

    reizna wrote in chiyonobannin Mar 15, 2009 10:24

    Title:  Shifting Reality
    Author: reizna  
    Fandom: Broken Reign (Original) 
    Characters: Elpida, Jasmine, Lelouch
    Prompt: 021. Child
    Word Count: 206
    Rating: PG
    Summary:  When she touched Lelouch in Jasmine’s presence during the wedding ceremony, Elpida has seen something she was not yet supposed to see.
    Warnings: N/A
    Disclaimer: I own the characters, plot ( Read more... )

    [original], *50scenes

  • Original - 01. Hero - The Earl

    reizna wrote in chiyonobannin Mar 13, 2009 18:56

    Title: The Earl of Illiyen
    Author: reizna
    Fandom: Broken Reign (Original)
    Characters: Elpida, Alasdaira
    Prompt: 001. Hero
    Word Count: 405
    Rating: PG
    Summary: As the family heir, Elpida accepts everything on her plate. She is to be engaged to someone she doesn’t know. Or so, she thinks.
    Warnings: N/A
    Disclaimer: I own the characters, plot, etc.
    “I take it you two have met once before, Earl of Illiyen.”

    It was a statement, not a question from Elpida’s father.

    [original], *50scenes

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